Turn to the Drilling Fluids and Engineering Experts
HMC Fluids and Engineering is committed to our people and the industry we serve, providing innovative drilling fluids, completion fluids, and engineering support services to customers throughout the United States, including those in Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Mississippi, Wyoming, and our home state of Texas. This includes the HMC ClearFluid System™, a revolutionary new hybrid water-based drilling fluid system that is built with 100% environmentally-friendly ingredients, the responsible alternative to traditional diesel and oil-based muds.
By design, this high-performance system eliminates disposal costs, reduces trucks on the road, and sets a new standard of health, safety and environmental practices in the field. If you're interested in learning more about our range of solutions or would like to partner with us, please feel free to contact us today! We are proud to serve and support companies across Midland, TX; Odessa, TX; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Oklahoma City, OK; Jal, NM; Carlsbad, NM; Denver, CO; and Cheyenne, WY
Work with HMC Fluids and Engineering today to improve your drilling outputs and durability.
Contact HMC to Learn More.
Get in touch today with any questions, or to get to know our team better.
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